Industry Building Blocks LLC & Semantic Arts =
Industry Knowledge Graph

About Us
Industry Knowledge Graph LLC is a joint venture between Industry Building Blocks and Semantic Arts.
We shudder to use the term “synergy” when describing this partnership, because most usage of the term is hollow, but in this case, we think it is justified. Both companies came to the partnership with important assets, which only improved in their combination.
Industry Building Blocks has a compilation of data that exists nowhere else on earth. They have dissected the world economy to the level where competition actually exists. Until now, this information has been made available to clients through static data sets, in pdf reports or csv data dumps. While successful, these formats hardly do justice to the rich interconnectedness of the data.
Semantic Arts championed the Data-Centric revolution, an approach to managing enterprise data that recognized the huge economic advantage of making data a first-class citizen and relegating application functionality its supporting role. While Semantic Arts has been perfecting their methodology and approach and have many successful enterprise transformation projects under their belt, they never had any data of their own or a platform to showcase the possibility.
Industry Knowledge Graph™ is that platform. Clients can come to the platform, explore and subscribe to data they believe will improve their competitiveness.

Dave McComb, President, Industry Knowledge Graph LLC
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