The Industry Knowledge Graph™ Demo

To truly understand the depth, applicability, and potential of the Industry Knowledge Graph database, try our free demo today.

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Experience the Industry Knowledge Graph Demo for yourself.

(optimized for desktop use)

The find the 20 FREE Industry Analyses, look in the “Industries” column for the parallelograms with the #s 1+ 18.

Or do a Search on “Ice Cream Cake” to at least find one example.

Scroll down to review how best to experience this demo.

About This Demo

The Industry Knowledge Graph™ allows you to learn about the global economy in fine detail. This demo illustrates the functionality and usability of the data by focusing on six organizations (including Coca-Cola Corporation and PepsiCo Inc). Explore the various industries they participate in and see where they compete directly and where they don’t.

This demo exposes just the tip of the iceberg of data in the Industry Knowledge Graph – revealing a tiny fraction of the data we have on over 24,000 granular industries. It functions the same way it would if you had a subscription to the full data. This will include details about the industries such as decision makers, buyer types, end user types, channel types, product varieties, trends impacting the industry, and much more.

Access the Demo (see above)

You’re still here, eh? OK, for you we left the information below intact, even though it’s from an older demo. That’s because it clearly highlights the three main activities most people find useful (and the professional media guy worked very hard on this stiff). 

Review the three analysis options below. Click “Access the Demo” when you’re ready. The demo will open in a new tab (and it will look better than below). 

Part One — Analyze An Organization

Part Two — Compare Two Organizations

Part Three — Analyze Industry Competitors

Start Your Exploration Today!

Just click “Access the Demo”.
We may send you an introductory email.

Come back over the coming weeks as we continually add functionality to the product, and to the demo.

Note: All trade names belong to their respective owners.

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** Please do not send confidential or proprietary information. All comments become the property of Industry Knowledge Graph.